Wong Fei-hung, also known as “Freddie Wong,” is a young and mischievous individual who finds himself in a series of challenging situations. His journey begins with teaching a lesson to an overbearing assistant martial arts teacher, followed by attempting to impress his friends by making advances on a woman, only to be thrashed by her older female guardian, who turns out to be his visiting aunt. As if that wasn’t enough, Wong also finds himself in trouble after beating up a hooligan, the son of a powerful man in town. As a result, his father decides to make him train harder in martial arts under the guidance of Beggar So.
Beggar So, known for his intense and sometimes brutal training methods, starts coaching Wong. However, feeling overwhelmed by the training, Wong flees home in an attempt to escape the punishment. Penniless and hungry, Wong’s misadventures lead him to a restaurant where he tries to trick a patron into giving him a free meal. Little does he know that the man he tries to deceive is actually the restaurant owner. In an attempt to escape, Wong finds himself in a scuffle with the owner’s lackeys until an unexpected ally comes to his aid – the old drunkard, who is revealed to be none other than Beggar So himself, the Drunken Master.
Under the guidance of Beggar So, Wong undergoes rigorous training and learns the secret style of Drunken Boxing called “The Eight Drunken Immortals,” named after the eight xian referenced in the fighting style. Wong excels in mastering seven of the eight styles, with the exception of Drunken Miss Ho’s style, which he finds too feminine for his taste. However, Wong’s training is put to the ultimate test when he crosses paths with the notorious killer Yim Tit-sam, known for his unbeatable “Devil’s Kick” technique.
In a fateful encounter, Wong provokes Yim Tit-sam into a fight and is defeated soundly, leading him to realize the importance of completing his training under Beggar So. As Wong commits himself to mastering the final style, a twist of fate leads Yim Tit-sam to be contracted by a business rival to take down Wong’s father. In a climactic showdown, Wong faces Yim, employing the skills he has learned to outmatch his opponent’s deadly kicking style. However, Yim unveils his secret technique, the Devil’s Shadowless Hand, posing a formidable challenge for Wong.
In a desperate bid to defeat Yim, Wong combines the seven mastered styles and creates his own version of the final technique, Drunken Miss Ho. With this newfound skill, Wong engages in a fierce battle against Yim, eventually emerging victorious by overcoming the Shadowless Hand technique. Wong’s journey from a playful young boy to a skilled martial artist is a testament to his determination and perseverance, culminating in his triumph over adversity.
Experience the thrill and excitement of “Drunken Master” as Wong Fei-hung rises to become a true martial arts master through trials and tribulations. Watch “Drunken Master Full Movie” now and witness the epic tale of courage, honor, and redemption in a world of ancient martial arts.