Released in 2019, Dormant is a prequel to the live-action mini-series, Bermuda City. The story centers around Detective Jordan Long, who delves into a web of government secrets while investigating a series of murders linked to the late CIA Agent, Nigel Goodman.
Former CIA agent, Arthur Huff, is portrayed as a skilled operative and a devoted family man on the surface. However, beneath this facade lies a world of dark agendas revolving around revenge and terrorism. As Huff sets out to track down his rogue CIA partner, Nigel Goodman, he uncovers a shocking truth – Goodman is a triple spy, working for Russia and Egypt.
Leading a team, Huff successfully neutralizes the threat posed by the terrorist. With Goodman out of the picture, it seems like peace has been restored – nightmares are laid to rest, families are reunited, and the nation is safe. But, as reports of kidnappings surface in the quiet suburban neighborhood where Arthur Huff resides, a new mystery unfolds.
Detective Jordan Long, still reeling from the trauma of his daughter’s death, is thrust into the investigation following the abduction of an FBI agent. Struggling to maintain his sanity amidst the chaos of his job, Long goes undercover in search of answers but stumbles upon a far more sinister presence – Arthur Huff himself.
The retired CIA agent, once thought to be a pillar of morality, is revealed to be the true threat lurking in the shadows. Long must navigate a treacherous path as he uncovers the depths of Huff’s deception and the dangerous game of espionage unfolding around him.
If you’re ready to uncover the truth behind Dormant and witness the gripping tale of betrayal and intrigue, don’t miss out on the Dormant Full Movie fmovies. Prepare yourself for a rollercoaster ride of suspense, secrets, and unexpected twists at every turn.