Butch, Davis, and Angel, teenagers sentenced to Enola Vale juvenile detention center in Montana, face the harsh reality of life behind bars. Butch, a rebellious inmate, grapples with the brutality of fellow inmates and officers alike.
Correctional officer Sands conducts the intake process, with a keen focus on Butch’s violent past. As Butch navigates the challenging environment, he must choose between survival and self-preservation.
Tensions escalate as Butch and his friends are targeted by the prison’s chief troublemaker, Banks, and his cronies. Butch’s defiance lands him in solitary confinement, where he plans his revenge.
Amidst the chaos, Angel meets a fatal end in a violent altercation with officer Goodyear. Butch’s witness account leads to further isolation, leaving his friend Davis vulnerable to horrific abuse.
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Davis’s tragic fate drives him to a desperate act, highlighting the unforgiving nature of life within the walls of the detention center. The subsequent chain of events ignites a riot that changes everything.
Experience the gripping tale of “Dog Pound Full Movie” as it delves into the realities of juvenile detention. Witness the challenges, struggles, and ultimate redemption as Butch navigates a world where survival is the only option. Watch now and uncover the raw truths of life behind bars.