Lester Watts (Chris Pratt) finds himself stuck in a monotonous routine, working at a liquor store and indulging in his passion for a unique pornography collection. His childhood friend, Carl (Brendan Hines), on the other hand, is trapped in a suffocating corporate job under the control of his British fiancée’s family. Their lives take an unexpected turn when a mysterious delivery brings them face to face with Diamond Jim’s vintage porn viewer machine.
Upon stepping into the porn viewer machine, Lester and Carl are transported to a surreal world where everyone behaves as if they are in a pornographic film. The two friends find themselves in trouble with the law, only to be rescued by Bambi Cummings (Rachel Specter) and taken to safety at her sorority house, Tri-Pi. As they navigate this bizarre new reality, Carl and Bambi develop a deep connection that transcends the boundaries of their previous lives.
At Diamond Jim’s extravagant pool party, Carl makes the decision to return home, while Lester discovers his true identity as Diamond Jim’s long-lost son. As Carl ends his controlling relationship and reunites with Bambi, Lester embraces his newfound heritage and takes over his father’s empire. The story comes full circle as Rod Cannon (Scott Caan) finds himself transported to Lester’s former job at the liquor store, highlighting the transformative journey that each character has taken.
Experience the captivating journey of self-discovery and unlikely friendships in “Deep in the Valley.” Watch online now and immerse yourself in a world where the unexpected becomes reality, and true desires are revealed. Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind cinematic experience that will leave you entertained and inspired from start to finish.