Fifteen-year-old Tess DeNunzio lives in Pittsburgh with her mother Elly, stepfather David, and younger half-sister Em. Tess’s biological father Nick, a German shepherd breeder, lives nearby in a poorer neighborhood. After Tess’s three-year-old half-sister, Zoe, died in a hit-and-run accident on the day of the September 11 attacks while Tess was supposed to be watching her, Tess helped David care for Em while Elly coped with depression.
The family attends therapy together, though Tess feels excluded from David and Elly’s grief. Tess has a breakdown after discovering Elly’s emotional affair with Justin, a much younger grocery store clerk. Tess moves in with Nick, though she regrets abandoning Em. Tess begins to care for one of Nick’s puppies and Nick agrees to drive Em home from school so that the sisters can spend time together.
Tess is attracted to her neighbor, Jimmy Freeze, who claims to know her father. When Tess realizes Nick is dealing drugs, she confronts him. Jimmy and Tess form a bond, sharing their personal struggles and eventually sharing their love for each other.
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As summer begins, Tess finds a job at an amusement park with Jimmy. On her 17th birthday, Tess learns the truth about Jimmy’s involvement in drug dealing. Despite the revelations, Tess and Jimmy find solace in each other and in sharing the memory of Zoe. Tess moves back home, reconciling with her family and finding closure.
Experience the touching story of love, loss, and healing in “Dear Zoe” – a tale that will stay with you long after the credits roll.