In a small town in the Deep South, the friendship between Charles Eliot “Bubba” Ritter, a gentle mentally challenged man, and young Marylee Williams angers some of the townspeople. The brooding postal worker Otis Hazelrigg is especially hostile towards Bubba. When Marylee is attacked by a dog, Hazelrigg assumes Bubba is responsible and forms a lynch mob with three friends. They tragically gun down the innocent Bubba, believing they have avenged Marylee.
After the truth is revealed and Marylee learns of Bubba’s unjust fate, strange occurrences begin to haunt Hazelrigg and his friends. Harliss meets a mysterious scarecrow reminiscent of Bubba’s disguise, and tragedy strikes once again. Accusations and suspicions grow as Hazelrigg’s guilt weighs heavily on him.
As the tension escalates, Hazelrigg’s actions spiral out of control, leading to a fatal confrontation with Marylee and a chilling encounter with the vengeful scarecrow. In a twist of fate, the true intentions behind the supernatural events are unveiled, bringing closure to Bubba’s tragic story.
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