Parisian illustrator Robert finds himself captivated by the enigmatic Juliette. Night after night, he surreptitiously watches her from a distance, yearning for her attention. Overcome with desire, Robert finally musters the courage to approach Juliette, altering the course of their lives forever.
Juliette, discontent with her fiancé Patrick, chooses to be with Robert, unaware of the consequences that lie ahead. However, a violent altercation with Patrick leaves Robert in a precarious situation, with the police suspecting him of foul play. Little do they know, Patrick and Robert’s ex-wife Véronique are conspiring against him, setting a dangerous vendetta in motion.
As Robert’s life unravels before his eyes, tragedy strikes with Juliette’s untimely demise. Patrick, consumed by grief and vengeance, relentlessly pursues Robert, leading to a harrowing showdown that results in unintended casualties. Amidst the chaos, Robert finds himself once again entangled in a web of suspicion, fighting to clear his name and seek justice.
Experience the gripping tale of love, betrayal, and revenge in “Cry Now.” Watch online now and witness the thrilling saga unfold before your eyes.