The story revolves around a class action lawsuit involving injuries caused by a defective automobile. The central character, Jedediah Tucker Ward, is a dedicated civil rights lawyer who fights for the underprivileged against the powerful. When he takes on the case, he uncovers a personal twist – the opposing attorney is none other than his estranged daughter, Maggie Ward.
Jedediah Ward, known as Jed, is a staunch supporter of justice and has always put principles above profits in his legal career. However, he struggles with maintaining relationships, often neglecting his clients after their cases are closed. On the other hand, Maggie Ward has followed a contrasting path in law, working for a corporate firm with a focus on self-interest and politics.
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The tension between Jed and Maggie stems from a deep-rooted family conflict. Maggie’s discovery of Jed’s infidelity towards her mother, Estelle, shattered their relationship. Despite both being lawyers, their differing values and career choices have driven a wedge between them.
When Jed is approached to lead the lawsuit against ARGO, a prominent auto manufacturer with a flawed product, he realizes the complexity of the case. The Meridian station wagons manufactured by ARGO are dangerously prone to explosions upon activating the left turn signal. While Jed believes he has a strong case, his resolve is tested when he learns that Maggie is on the legal team representing ARGO.
As the legal battle intensifies, Jed and Maggie find themselves on opposing sides, torn between seeking justice and upholding family loyalty. The clash of ideologies and personal history adds layers of complexity to the case, challenging both their professional integrity and personal emotions.
Experience the gripping tale of family drama, legal ethics, and the pursuit of justice in “Class Action.” Witness the riveting performances and the intricate storytelling that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this powerful movie that delves deep into the dynamics of law and family relationships. Watch “Class Action” now for a thought-provoking cinematic experience.