The story revolves around Hemingford, Nebraska, a town near Gatlin, where haunting events take place. Following the aftermath of the original film, the people of Hemingford extend a helping hand to the children survivors from Gatlin. Little do they know, the children are drawn back to the cornfield, where a sinister entity named He Who Walks Behind the Rows possesses one of them, Micah.
City reporter John Garrett and his son Danny find themselves in the midst of chaos. Their strained relationship worsens due to John’s past failures, while he tries to salvage his career by investigating the children’s story. Along the way, they encounter eerie deaths and supernatural occurrences in the cornfields, leaving them questioning the reality of their surroundings.
As Micah and the children commit horrific murders in the town, John teams up with Frank Red Bear, a Native American professor, to uncover the root of the evil plaguing the area. They learn about the tainted corn supply causing a ripple effect of madness and violence among the children, leading to a series of gruesome events that spiral out of control.
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Experience the gripping tale of “Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice Full Movie Online” as the characters navigate through perilous situations and unearth the sinister secrets hidden within the cornfields. Watch as they confront their fears and fight for their lives in a bid to overcome the darkness looming over the town.