In the summer of 1983, Elio Perlman, a 17-year-old Jewish French-Italian boy, lives with his parents in rural Northern Italy. Elio’s father, a professor of archaeology, invites a 24-year-old Jewish-American graduate student, Oliver, to live with the family over the summer and help with his academic paperwork. Elio, an introspective bookworm and musician, initially thinks he has little in common with Oliver, who appears confident and carefree.
Elio and Oliver spend more time together, taking long walks into town and accompanying Elio’s father on an archaeological trip. Elio is increasingly drawn to Oliver, even sneaking into Oliver’s room to smell his clothing. Elio eventually confesses his feelings to Oliver, who tells him they cannot discuss such things. Later, in a secluded spot, the two kiss for the first time.
As the end of Oliver’s stay approaches, Elio’s parents, who are aware of the bond between the two, recommend that he and Oliver visit Bergamo together before Oliver returns to the U.S. They spend three romantic days together. Heartbroken after Oliver’s departure, Elio calls his mother to ask her to pick him up from the train station and take him home.
Experience the emotional journey of Elio and Oliver in “Call Me by Your Name.” Watch this captivating film for free online and immerse yourself in a story of love, loss, and self-discovery. Discover why viewers around the world have been moved by this timeless tale. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to watch “Call Me by Your Name” and witness a love story that transcends time and borders.