A young boy named Sean Donovan lives with his mother and abusive alcoholic father. A carjacker attacks his family one night, resulting in his mother’s murder. Afterward, Sean’s father Terry moves them to a nicer neighborhood.
Ten years later, Sean is an excellent student but is antisocial and distant from his peers. He witnesses abuse around him and trains in self-defense, carrying a weapon at night. His life takes a turn when he kills a man during an attempted mugging. This draws the interest of Teresa Ames, a NYPD detective.
As Teresa befriends Sean, she discovers his dark secrets and his quest for justice for his mother’s murder. Sean’s actions become increasingly violent as he takes matters into his own hands, ultimately confronting his father Terry, whom he suspects of being involved in his mother’s death.
Sean’s pursuit of truth leads to a chilling conclusion as he seeks answers from a convicted killer, Larry Childs. Through a series of events, Sean exacts his own brand of justice, leaving Teresa to grapple with the aftermath and the truth of what really transpired.
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