In the 1920s, Ayre “Mac” MacGillvary, a young American orphan heiress, graduates from a prestigious British college. Determined to find the right man for her first sexual encounter, she embarks on a journey with her best friend Catalina and family chauffeur Cotton.
Ayre’s quest takes her to Morocco, where she meets an Arab sheik willing to deflower her. However, her plans are disrupted when the sheik falls asleep during foreplay. Undeterred, Ayre travels to Spain and encounters the toreador Angel, whom she sets out to seduce.
During her adventures, Ayre takes the young Gypsy girl Paloma under her wing. Meanwhile, Catalina pursues romance with Ayre’s lawyer, Robert Stewart. After a courtship, Angel and Ayre finally make love, but tragedy strikes when Angel is injured in a bullfight.
Following Angel’s injury, Ayre becomes determined to help him recover. She takes up bullfighting herself to motivate him, all while fending off the advances of the persistent Arab sheik. Eventually, Ayre’s efforts lead to a miraculous recovery for Angel, culminating in a passionate reunion and marriage.
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