In “Body Count,” a riveting tale unfolds as a group of daring thieves sets out to rob an art gallery, only to face unexpected consequences. As their plans unravel and one of their own meets a tragic end, the remaining members find themselves on the run, heading south to escape the authorities.
What starts as a carefully orchestrated heist soon descends into chaos, leaving the thieves scrambling to cover their tracks. With tensions rising and trust fraying, the group must navigate a dangerous game of cat and mouse as they try to evade capture.
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As the body count rises, the stakes get higher, and the thieves find themselves in a desperate race against time. With law enforcement hot on their trail, they must rely on their wits and cunning to outsmart their pursuers and make their escape.
Along the way, they encounter a mysterious femme fatale who may hold the key to their survival – or their ultimate downfall. With betrayal lurking around every corner, the group must stay one step ahead if they hope to come out alive.
Experience the heart-pounding action and suspense of “Body Count” as the gripping tale unfolds on the screen. Don’t miss out on this thrilling heist movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Head over to fmovies now to watch “Body Count” and see for yourself what happens when the stakes are high and the body count keeps rising.