Antonio LeBlanc, a Korean-American adoptee, faces a harsh reality living near New Orleans with his wife Kathy and stepdaughter Jessie. Despite his criminal past hindering job opportunities, Kathy steps up to financially support the family.
After a violent encounter with NOPD officers, Antonio is detained by ICE due to his lack of naturalization. Seeking help from immigration lawyer Barry Boucher, he faces the daunting task of raising $5,000 for his appeal. Along the way, he finds support in Parker, a terminally ill Vietnamese refugee, who becomes a dear friend.
To fund his legal fees, Antonio reluctantly turns to theft with his friends, jeopardizing his chance at freedom. As he reconnects with his adoptive mother and faces personal challenges, Antonio’s journey takes unexpected turns. Despite setbacks, he finds strength in his family and friends.
As the day of Antonio’s hearing approaches, a cruel twist of fate throws his future into jeopardy. Surviving a brutal assault, Antonio grapples with his impending deportation. In a heart-wrenching finale, he bids farewell to his loved ones, with a glimmer of hope for a better future.
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