The story revolves around young writer Ryan (Chris Mason), who is grappling with a broken heart after being abandoned by his girlfriend Lucy (Wallis Day). With the support of his party-loving friends John (Elliot Gleave) and Connor (Lucien Laviscount), Ryan navigates the vibrant nightlife of London in search of inspiration for his next novel.
During their escapades, Ryan encounters Anna (Hannah Britland), an art gallery owner who captures his heart. As Ryan delves deeper into the London party scene, he finds himself torn between his friendships, his writing aspirations, and his roots.
Set against the backdrop of London and Liverpool, this film delves into the complexities of romantic relationships, personal ambition, and the allure of the nightlife. Written by Stephen Morris and directed by James Marquand, this debut feature promises a captivating blend of drama, romance, and self-discovery.
Experience the journey of Ryan as he navigates the contrasting worlds of love, friendship, and ambition in “Between Two Worlds.” With a stellar cast including Chris Mason, Hannah Britland, Lucien Laviscount, Wallis Day, and Elliot Gleave in his first film role, this movie offers a compelling portrayal of life’s choices and consequences. Don’t miss out on this mesmerizing tale—watch “Between Two Worlds” online today!