In the bustling streets of New York City, Richie (Shawn Christensen) finds himself in a dark place after his girlfriend, Vista (Isabelle McNally), vanishes without a trace. His world takes a dramatic turn when he stumbles upon the lifeless body of a young girl who succumbed to a heroin overdose while tending to the nightclub’s restroom stalls. The club’s proprietor, Bill (Ron Perlman), opts for a discreet disposal of the girl’s remains, sidestepping any legal involvement.
As Richie grapples with his inner demons, a lifeline emerges in the form of his estranged sister, Maggie (Emmy Rossum), who implores him to care for her eleven-year-old daughter, Sophia (Fátima Ptacek). Their poignant reunion brings unexpected moments of connection, like Sophia’s recitation of Emily Dickinson’s “Because I could not stop for Death” in two languages.
Richie’s downward spiral intensifies as he faces the haunting specter of drug-induced hallucinations and menacing threats from his past. Dark revelations come to light when he delves deeper into his girlfriend’s disappearance, uncovering a web of deceit, manipulation, and tragic consequences.
Driven by a newfound sense of purpose and protection, Richie embarks on a perilous odyssey to safeguard Sophia and confront the demons that linger within his fractured soul. As truths surface and alliances shift, Richie navigates a treacherous path towards redemption, reconciliation, and ultimately, self-acceptance.
Embark on this poignant, gripping tale of resilience, hope, and the enduring power of love. Watch “Before I Disappear” online now and immerse yourself in a riveting narrative that will linger in your heart long after the credits roll.