In the picturesque town of Beaumont-sur-Mer, Lawrence Jameson, a sophisticated con artist, lives a life of luxury by masquerading as a deposed prince. His charm and elegance allow him to seduce wealthy women, convincing them to donate money and jewelry to his revolutionary “cause.” This is the backdrop for an engaging tale that you can watch as a bedtime story for free.
Meanwhile, across the ocean in West Germany, Corporal Freddy Benson, a small-time operator in the US Army, is busy conning young women with sob stories about his sick grandmother. His latest scheme to woo the daughter of a local Bürgermeister takes a turn when her father unexpectedly returns home. Freddy cleverly blackmails his colonel to secure an early discharge, setting the stage for his arrival in Beaumont-sur-Mer.
On a train to Beaumont-sur-Mer, Freddy boasts about his conning skills to Lawrence, whom he mistakenly believes to be a henpecked husband. Concerned that Freddy’s antics might jeopardize his own schemes, Lawrence tries to distract him. When that fails, he orchestrates Freddy’s arrest, only to later buy him a plane ticket back to America. However, a former conquest of Lawrence’s reveals his deception, prompting Freddy to return and blackmail Lawrence into taking him on as an apprentice.
Lawrence teaches Freddy to impersonate the mentally challenged brother, Ruprecht, of the prince. This tactic is designed to scare off women who might be interested in marrying the prince. Their con is initially successful, but when Lawrence refuses to pay Freddy until he acquires the necessary sophistication, Freddy decides to go solo. Believing there isn’t enough room in Beaumont-sur-Mer for both of them, they make a bet: the first to steal $25,000 from a chosen target will remain, while the other must leave forever.
Their target is Janet Walker, a naïve American heiress and the newly crowned American Soap Queen. Freddy poses as a soldier suffering from psychosomatic paralysis, winning Janet’s affections with a heart-wrenching story. He convinces her that he needs $25,000 for treatment from the renowned Swiss psychiatrist, Dr. Emil Schaffhausen. Lawrence, in turn, masquerades as Dr. Schaffhausen, agreeing to treat Freddy’s “condition” on the condition that Janet pays him directly.
As the two con artists vie for Janet’s affections, they ruthlessly sabotage each other. Lawrence, with his worldly charm, often gains the upper hand. However, he soon discovers that Janet is not the wealthy heiress he believed her to be; she is merely a contest winner planning to sell her belongings to fund Freddy’s treatment. Realizing that he only preys on women who can afford to lose, Lawrence attempts to call off the bet, but Freddy insists on changing the terms: the first to seduce Janet wins.
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Freddy, determined to win, has Lawrence kidnapped by paratroopers, convincing them that Lawrence is trying to steal Janet away. He then stages a dramatic recovery from his paralysis, impressing Janet with his newfound ability to walk. Lawrence, who has been observing the entire charade, declares Freddy cured and explains to the soldiers the truth behind Freddy’s lies. However, as the train departs with Janet, she receives a telegram revealing that Dr. Emil Schaffhausen has been dead since 1927, leaving her confused and distraught.
Returning to her hotel room, Janet finds Freddy, who has had a surprising change of heart. Unable to take advantage of her, he realizes his feelings for her are genuine. In a twist of fate, Freddy marries Janet and decides to go straight, returning to America with her. Meanwhile, Lawrence reflects on his own life, acknowledging that Freddy has found happiness, while he remains a con artist, eyeing his next mark—a stunningly wealthy blonde.
This captivating tale of deception, love, and redemption is a perfect bedtime story to watch for free. Join Lawrence and Freddy on their journey through the glamorous yet treacherous world of con artists in Beaumont-sur-Mer. Don’t miss out on the chance to experience this delightful story—watch Bedtime Story free and immerse yourself in the adventure today!