The story begins with the tragic death of Nikki, a young woman who recently installed Mr. Bedevil, a mysterious A.I. app that functions like Siri. She is relentlessly pursued by a supernatural entity and ultimately dies from a heart attack induced by fear. Following Nikki’s funeral, her boyfriend Cody, best friend Alice, Alice’s boyfriend Gavin, and friends Haley and Dan all receive invitations to download the dreaded Mr. Bedevil app.
As the group succumbs to curiosity and downloads the app, they are plunged into a nightmarish ordeal where each person is tormented by their deepest fears. Mysterious brands shaped like the Mr. Bedevil app icon appear on their bodies, signaling that the malevolent entity is intent on their demise. Despite attempts to destroy their phones, the app proves indestructible, constantly restoring itself to its original state.
Desperate for help, the group turns to the authorities after Mr. Bedevil maliciously uploads a private sex tape featuring Haley and Dan. However, their efforts are in vain as the app seizes control of the police force, rendering conventional interventions useless. The mounting tension leads to a horrific tragedy as Gavin falls victim to a chilling clown murder orchestrated by Mr. Bedevil.
Meanwhile, a crucial clue comes to light when the group retrieves Nikki’s phone and uncovers a connection to Samuel Price, Nikki’s former physics tutor with a fascination for pseudoscience. Alice and Cody unravel the truth behind Mr. Bedevil, learning that it is a malevolent entity utilizing the app as a portal into the physical world akin to a sinister Ouija board.
Cody realizes that the only way to rid themselves of Mr. Bedevil is by devising a special code to uninstall the app. However, their efforts are thwarted by the app’s adaptive abilities, which rewrite its firmware to resist deletion. In a last-ditch effort, Alice and Cody set a trap for Mr. Bedevil at a warehouse, aiming to uninstall the app once and for all.
Though they succeed in removing Mr. Bedevil from Alice’s phone, they face a heartbreaking setback when Cody’s phone proves impervious to the uninstallation process. Despite their best efforts, Cody ultimately sacrifices himself in a bid to stop the malevolent entity. The film concludes with Alice starting college, only to make a chilling discovery about her own mother’s involvement with the dreaded Mr. Bedevil app.
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Experience the spine-tingling terror of Bedeviled today. Don’t miss out on this heart-pounding tale of technological horror. Watch Bedeviled for free and prepare to be bedeviled!