A unique family-friendly suspense film, “Be Still and Know” follows four young women embarking on a journey to a rustic cabin retreat to reconnect after years apart. 19-year-old CJ has drifted apart from her childhood friend Sophia after leaving small-town Willow Springs for college the previous year. Feeling the distance between them, Sophia invites CJ for a fall break at her grandfather’s cabin, a place where they shared fond summer memories. Despite her initial reluctance, CJ decides to bring along her new group of friends for an unforgettable autumn getaway.
Jocelyn and Amber, both city girls at heart, eagerly embrace the wooded retreat, only to be met with unexpected dread upon discovering a mysterious vagabond living in a dilapidated trailer on the property. Despite the warnings given by the vagabond, the girls’ attempt to shorten their trip is thwarted when Sophia vanishes into the expansive wooded area. As fear and suspicion cloud their judgment, CJ and her friends must navigate the treacherous terrain to find Sophia, facing the dilemma of whether safety lies within the cabin walls or beyond.
Presented in the gripping style of classic “cabin films,” “Be Still and Know” intricately weaves suspense with personal conflicts, exploring the resilience of faith when tested in times of uncertainty. As the girls grapple with mistrust and uncertainty, they are forced to confront their inner fears and beliefs in a gripping tale of survival and friendship.
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Experience the heart-pounding adventure and emotional journey of “Be Still and Know” as these young women navigate the wilderness and their own inner turmoil. Watch the full movie now and immerse yourself in a suspenseful narrative that promises thrills and thought-provoking themes. Don’t miss out on this captivating cinematic experience!