Atrocious serial killings on holidays in Gotham City send The World’s Greatest Detective into action – confronting both organized crime and a unified front of classic DC Super-Villains – while attempting to stop the mysterious murderer. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, DC and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, and inspired by the iconic mid-1990s DC story from ‘Jeph Loeb’ (qv) and the late ‘Tim Sale’, Batman: The Long Halloween – Deluxe Edition begins as atrocious serial killings on holidays in Gotham City send The World’s Greatest Detective into action – confronting both organized crime and a unified front of classic DC Super-Villains – while attempting to stop the mysterious murderer. Batman: The Long Halloween was originally released as a two-part film, _Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One (2021)_ (qv) and _Batman: The Long Halloween, Part Two (2021)_ (qv), and both films still stand at 100% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes.
The story revolves around Batman as he investigates a series of murders that occur on holidays in Gotham City. As he delves deeper into the case, he must navigate the world of organized crime and face off against classic DC Super-Villains. With each holiday that passes, Batman gets closer to uncovering the identity of the mysterious killer.
Batman: The Long Halloween is a two-part animated film produced by Warner Bros. Animation, DC, and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment. The film is based on the popular DC comic book storyline by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale. The voice cast includes some of the most iconic characters in the Batman universe, bringing the story to life in a thrilling and visually stunning way.
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If you’re a fan of Batman and the DC universe, don’t miss out on the opportunity to watch Batman: The Long Halloween online. With its gripping storyline, memorable characters, and top-notch animation, this film is a must-watch for any superhero enthusiast. So grab your popcorn, sit back, and immerse yourself in the dark and complex world of Batman as he unravels the mystery behind The Long Halloween.