In the epic saga of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, “Avengers: Infinity War” unfolds with Thanos, the formidable villain, acquiring the Power Stone from the planet Xandar. This sets the stage for a gripping battle as he and his lieutenants—Ebony Maw, Cull Obsidian, Proxima Midnight, and Corvus Glaive—intercept a spaceship carrying the survivors of Asgard’s destruction.
After subduing Thor, Thanos extracts the Space Stone from the Tesseract, overpowering the Hulk and killing Loki and Heimdall in the process. A dying Heimdall sends Hulk to Earth using the Bifröst, while Thanos and his lieutenants leave, destroying the ship in their wake.
Hulk crash-lands in the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York City, reverting to Bruce Banner. He warns Stephen Strange and Wong about Thanos’s sinister plan to annihilate half of all life in the universe. They quickly recruit Tony Stark to join their fight against this looming threat.
As the Guardians of the Galaxy respond to the distress call from the Asgardian ship, they rescue Thor, who deduces that Thanos is after the Reality Stone, currently held by Taneleer Tivan on Knowhere. Thor, along with Rocket and Groot, travels to Nidavellir to enlist the help of the dwarf king Eitri in forging the powerful battle-axe, Stormbreaker.
Meanwhile, Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax, and Mantis head to Knowhere, only to find that Thanos has already acquired the Reality Stone. In a desperate attempt to save Nebula from torture, Gamora reveals the location of the Soul Stone. On Vormir, the keeper of the Stone, Red Skull, informs Thanos that he must sacrifice someone he loves to obtain it. In a heart-wrenching moment, Thanos sacrifices Gamora, earning the Soul Stone.
In Edinburgh, Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive ambush Wanda Maximoff and Vision to retrieve the Mind Stone embedded in Vision’s forehead. Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Sam Wilson come to their rescue, taking refuge with James Rhodes and Banner at the Avengers Compound. Vision, aware of the danger, asks Wanda to destroy him and the Mind Stone to prevent Thanos from acquiring it, but she refuses.
The group decides to travel to Wakanda, where they believe they can safely remove the Mind Stone without killing Vision. Meanwhile, Nebula escapes captivity and seeks out the remaining Guardians on Thanos’s destroyed homeworld, Titan.
On Titan, Stark and Parker manage to kill Maw and rescue Strange. The trio crash-lands on the planet, where they encounter Quill, Drax, and Mantis. Using the Time Stone, Strange views millions of possible futures, discovering only one in which the Avengers emerge victorious. They devise a plan to subdue Thanos and remove the Infinity Gauntlet, which houses the Stones.
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When Thanos arrives, he justifies his actions as necessary for the survival of an overpopulated universe. Nebula soon joins the fray, helping the others subdue Thanos, but when Quill learns of Gamora’s death, he attacks Thanos in a fit of rage, allowing Thanos to regain control and overpower the group. In a desperate bid, Strange offers the Time Stone in exchange for Stark’s life.
Back in Wakanda, Rogers reunites with Bucky Barnes just before Thanos’s army invades. The Avengers, alongside T’Challa and the Wakandan forces, prepare for battle while Shuri works to extract the Mind Stone from Vision. Unable to summon the Hulk, Banner dons Stark’s Hulkbuster armor to fight.
Thor, Rocket, and Groot arrive just in time to bolster the Avengers’ defenses. Together, they manage to defeat Midnight, Obsidian, and Glaive, pushing back Thanos’s forces. However, Shuri is unable to complete the extraction before Thanos arrives. In a desperate moment, Vision convinces Wanda to destroy him and the Mind Stone, but Thanos uses the Time Stone to reverse her actions, ripping the stone from Vision’s forehead and completing the Gauntlet.
With a snap of his fingers, Thanos disintegrates half