The story unfolds in the scorching August heat in a rural area near Pawhuska, Oklahoma. Beverly Weston hires Johnna, a Cheyenne woman, as a caregiver for his wife, Violet, who battles oral cancer and addiction. When Beverly mysteriously disappears, Violet calls her family for support.
Violet’s family convenes, each with their own struggles and secrets. Ivy, the lonely daughter in love with her cousin, yearns for a chance at marriage. The tension escalates during a brutal dinner scene where Violet’s drug-fueled truth-telling sparks chaos.
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Hidden family secrets come to light, and relationships unravel as Mattie Fae reveals an affair with Beverly, unveiling a shocking family connection between Ivy and “Little Charles.” Steve’s inappropriate advances shake the family further, leading to a violent confrontation.
Ivy’s heartbreak unfolds as she learns the truth about her relationship with Little Charles, leading to a devastating departure from her family. As Violet’s dark past emerges, Barbara reaches a breaking point and chooses to leave, recognizing the depth of her mother’s manipulation.
In the final moments, Barbara drives away, consumed by emotion, as Violet dances alone in a poignant scene. The family fractures irreparably, with each member facing their own path forward.
Experience the gripping tale of family secrets, betrayal, and resilience in “August: Osage County.” Watch the full movie online now to delve into the captivating performances and complex relationships portrayed in this unforgettable story.