Deunan Knute, a young soldier and survivor of the Global War, is rescued by Hitomi, a Second Generation Bioroid. She finds herself in Olympus, a Technocratic Utopian city. Deunan joins the ESWAT, a counter-terrorism organization, within the city.
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The Bioroids, created from Deunan’s late father’s DNA, face a crisis when their life extension facilities are destroyed. Deunan, along with Briareos, discovers the Appleseed data that holds information on restoring the Bioroids’ reproductive capabilities.
A conflict erupts within Olympus as factions clash. Deunan and Briareos face challenges while trying to protect the Appleseed data. Sacrifices are made, and betrayals unfold as they encounter the truth behind the Bioroid reproductive activation mechanism.
Deunan confronts the Council of Elders, learning of their sinister plan to sterilize humanity. With the help of allies, she takes a stand against the Elders and uses the Appleseed data to prevent their destructive goal. ESWAT mobilizes to confront the Elders and restore peace to Olympus.
Watch the thrilling story of “Apples” for free now and experience the epic tale of courage, sacrifice, and redemption!