When famous DJ Alan Partridge’s radio station is taken over by a new media conglomerate, it sets in motion a chain of events which see Alan having to work with the police to defuse a potentially violent siege.
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Radio DJ Alan Partridge is facing uncertain times with his radio station being taken over by a corporate conglomerate. He makes things worse when he talks down a colleague after a promise to talk him up. The colleague handles things badly and takes the radio station into his own hands, literally, by taking them all hostage. Envisioning all his action heroes in his head, Alan will save the day by becoming a go-between for Scotland Yard, but his method will put himself and others in harm’s way because Alan Partridge just can’t keep his mouth shut.—Anne Campbell
DJ Alan Partridge’s radio station has been taken over by a large media organisation. In an attempt to keep his job, Partridge undermines another DJ, Pat Farrell, who is sacked instead. This has unintended consequences when Farrell pops up at the relaunch party and takes the entire radio station hostage. Partridge becomes the intermediary between the police and Farrell.—grantss
Don’t miss out on the thrilling saga of Alan Partridge’s fight to save his radio station. Watch the Alan Partridge Online Full Movie now for an unforgettable experience!