Ajin presents the story of a student named Nagai Kei, who discovers he is an “Ajin” when he is fatally wounded in a traffic accident. In the world of Ajin, a small number of humans (termed “Ajin”) possess immortality and extreme regenerative abilities that trigger upon death, allowing them to completely recover from any mortal injury in a matter of seconds. Ajin can also create “black ghosts”, highly dangerous combat-oriented entities that are only visible to other Ajin. “Black ghosts” are resistant to physical injury, exhibit extraordinary physical strength, and have sharp teeth and claws. Different “black ghosts” have varying degrees of intelligence: most are completely reliant on their Ajin for directions, and others, such as Kei’s, are more independent and likely to engage in self-initiated actions.
Consequently, Ajin are considered dangerous and inhuman by the public, and most are captured by governments. Governments claim to protect Ajin, but in reality, most use them as subjects for cruel and inhumane experiments, as their abilities to completely recover from fatal wounds provides an unlimited source of organs and bodies in dangerous tests (such as live-fire weapons testing). As a result, Ajin that have escaped from government custody (such as Satou, the main antagonist) are bent on exacting revenge on governments. Kei, however, wants no part in the emerging Ajin-human conflict, but forms an agreement with Japanese governmental agents to fight Satou in exchange for his freedom from government experimentation.
Experience the thrilling world of Ajin: Demi-Human in this full movie that showcases the complex dynamics between Ajin and humans. Follow Nagai Kei as he navigates a dangerous world where immortality comes at a high cost. Watch as he faces off against powerful adversaries and uncovers shocking truths about the Ajin existence. Don’t miss out on the action-packed scenes and intense drama that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Watch Ajin: Demi-Human Full Movie today and immerse yourself in this captivating story!