Rhode Island teenager Kelly Ferguson, known as “Monster Girl” due to a childhood monster encounter, plans to attend a Halloween party but ends up babysitting Jacob for her mom’s boss. While with Jacob, she discovers his fears of monsters plaguing him and embarks on a mission to rescue him from the clutches of the Boogeyman with a secret society of babysitters.
As Kelly and the babysitters track down Jacob, they encounter small monsters called Toadies and learn of the Boogeyman’s sinister plot to create an army of nightmares using Jacob’s vivid imagination. The group must act fast to save Jacob and prevent the Boogeyman from carrying out his malevolent plan.
In a thrilling climax, Kelly and her allies confront the Boogeyman at a condemned lighthouse, where Jacob’s nightmares are being extracted. With courage and cunning, Kelly uses a magical potion to defeat the Boogeyman, freeing Jacob from his terrifying ordeal. As they return Jacob home safely, Kelly’s bravery earns her recognition and new opportunities.
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