The film begins with intertitles detailing a mass killing before delving into the lives of various individuals in Vienna. A young Romanian boy crosses the border illegally and ends up living on the streets. Meanwhile, a security worker, a young man stealing weapons, a college student involved in risky games, and a retired man all navigate their own challenges.
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The Romanian boy’s story gains media attention when he is taken in by a couple seeking to adopt a girl. As events unfold, tensions rise at a bank where the wife of the adopting couple and the retired man’s daughter work. The college student’s impulsive actions lead to a tragic sequence of events at the same bank.
Desperation and impulsive decisions culminate in a harrowing event as the college student, overwhelmed and armed, unleashes violence at the bank. The repercussions of his actions reverberate through the interconnected lives, ultimately leading to a heartbreaking conclusion.
As you delve into the intricately woven lives of these characters, witness how chance and circumstance collide in unexpected ways. Explore the film’s exploration of human frailty, missed connections, and the stark realities of urban life. Watch “71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance Full Movie Online” to immerse yourself in this gripping tale of fate and tragedy.